At Lac Hong University

2024 LHU Student Beauty Contest Schedule announced

On March 23, 2024, LHU held a ceremony to announce the official schedule for the 2024 Student Beauty Contest and introduce 151 contestants from 9 faculties.

At the event, representing the Organizers, Dr. Nguyen Van Trung – Director of Center of Admissions and Public Relations shared the meaning and purpose of organizing a beauty playground for students across the University.

Dr. Nguyen Van Trung – Director of Center of Admissions and Public Relations - Head of the Organizing Committee giving a welcome speech

In addition, MBA. Khuat Kieu Diem Nhi - Head of Communications Department - Deputy Head of the Organizing Committee announced the rules and the competition rounds to provide contestants with insights into the upcoming challenges of the 2024 Student Beauty Contest.

MBA. Khuat Kieu Diem Nhi – Head of Communications Department – Deputy Head of Organizing Committee announcing the rules and summarizing the competition rounds 

Simultaneously, to help candidates complete their parts well, Nguyen Duc Duy Tan, M.A - Producer of The Face NNA Contest - Photo Adviser guided all contestants on the concepts needed for the Preliminary round. Along with that, the contestants discussed with Mr. Lam Thanh Duy - Photography Director, who will give them a space to express their impressive personalities with the most beautiful photos.

Mr. Nguyen Duc Duy Tan – Producer of The Face NNA Contest - Photo Adviser orientating all contestants on the concepts needed for the Preliminary round

At the event, the Organizers also answered all questions related to the 2024 Student Beauty Contest.

Contestants asking questions to the Organizers    

"I joined this competition to learn, gain experience as well as develop myself and try in a beauty field. By that means, I want to convey meaningful messages through volunteer work, organizing humanitarian trips for difficult circumstances and spreading positive and good things to the community, the life and the whole society. I want to draw a vivid picture of student life at my beloved LHU", Contestant Nguyen Chi Toan from Faculty of Oriental Studies shared.

The Organizers giving Check-in Awards to lucky contestants

The Student Beauty Contest is not only a competition, but also an opportunity for us to learn, interact with each other, creating memorable memories and inspiring the future student generations. Today's event will be a great start for the Contest.


LHU, Student Beauty Contest, schedule

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